
As a collaboration with Department of Energy Resources Enginnering @ Seoul National University, we built a tool named IRMS, a front-end tool for Eclipse (reservoir simulator) and STARS (thermal compositional simulator). Since both tools are only accessible through a command line interface, a graphical tool IRMS was designed for real time interaction with the simulators as well as providing an easy way to analyze the data through visualizations.


2014.02 "A design study for a visualization/analysis system for petroleum reservoir simulation data"
(저류층(貯油層) 시뮬레이션 데이터 활용을 위한 시각화/분석 시스템 디자인 스터디)

    by Kyle Koh, Young-Ho KimJinwook Seo
    Presented as Abstract at HCI Korea 2014, Feb 12-14 in Jeongseon, South Korea.
    Download Full PDF (in Korean) - Research Page@Here